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The Right Tool, The Right Time

In my morning jog, I found my mind wandering, day dreaming of what if – the list goes on. I daydreamed of a long lost acquaintance showing up while I am speaking at a real event that I am scheduled to speak at. Then I remembered that I while back … when visualization instead of mindfulness is “in,” I spent a lot of time teaching people to imagine what could be; and see themselves in the future. The more real you can visualize what you would like to happen, the more focus you become on those goals. The word visualization in my current practice was replaced by “future-tripping,” which seem to have such a negative connotation. I am left with the thought and realized that I missed experiencing the sunrise. There is a time and a place, when visualization could be the key to a person realizing his or her potential; in the same way that one needs to be present to experience life – the good and bad of what life is, as every moment has a potential to teach and every emotion associated with it seasons us to be ready for the next experience allowing us to grow. Neither one is good or bad, it is about using the right tool at the right time.

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MG Drake, Writer, Social Worker

More than a quarter century of working with people as a clinical social worker has taken me across the country.  I am fortunate enough to have worked with people with mental disabilities, chronic mental illness and addiction.  It is in both my work and the people I meet in my work, that I found how much more common it feels to be lost and alone,  specially when one is always surrounded by people.

Every Other Weekend

To be an empty nester at an early age, creates a void.  But it is not always about being alone, sometimes it is about re-discovering yourself.

Multi-Family Group
for Substance Use Treatment
My newest book coming soon. The Multi-Family Group for Substance Use Treatment is workbook for a two-day intensive or a 16-week group curriculum for the patient, spouses, parents, siblings, and partners. The two-day intensive program is the preferred delivery method.
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